What I learned from the Instagram Explore page.

Despite being a frequent and avid user of Instagram, it is not all that often that I visit what was previously known as the Explore page. Like every multi-billion dollar app, it had an update and now the page appears not to be called anything, but is supported by a small magnifying glass icon. So here we have it, a page in which we explore avenues of Instagram activity, supposedly from around the world. A chance to see many different photos, with many different filters and many different messages.

Explore page is funny.

Women and Tattoo’s – shit loads of people love this. Women want to be them, men  want to be with them. There are multiple things a woman can plaster on her bare skin, some being skulls and others being butterflies, people dig it. The Explore page exposes the masses to these bare, coloured in bodies.


Justin Bieber – people love Justin Bieber. A world – renowned prat head, Bieber is cropped into perfect square dimensions in order to be exposed on our Instagram feed. Some times he is topless, sometimes he is in a car, sometimes he is frowning and wearing baggy trousers. There are lots of routes to explore Justin on Instagram, have you be a fan, what a time to be alive.


Kittens – an obvious contendor. In terms of kittens there is plenty to explore, the said animal features on many accounts, in many different ways. I have no issue with exploring kittens on Instagram, it’s a far cry more enjoyable than Justin and certainly less revealing than ‘Women and Tattoos’.


LordAleem_Official – this appears to be a man, who is young, yet owns every piece of money in the world. People on instagram want to explore his poncey lifestyle of matte black cars, gold watches and everything annoying and wrong with the world. He creates a great hub for people’s materialistic goals. So if pretencious pictures and videos of cars revving are up your street, follow this so-called Lord.


Lovely Food – a great place to showcase one of the wonders of the world. Lovely food, be it healthy or sugary enough to decay your teeth at a severe rate, it looks wonderful in pictures, particularly with a filter.


Quote’s for days – these quote’s are not specifically for a day, they could be if you wanted, but they go on and on for days. People love a quote, it makes them feel like they’re pushing for something they believe in. If you like a quote, that’s nice. What I am sick of seeing however are quotes about boyfriend’s or ‘girls find out everything’ woopey doo. Potential to explore many quotes on instagram, get going.

IMG_6046Maybe the more concerning conclusion to draw from this investigation is that these posts are “based on people you follow”, At this moment in time I appear to be a cake loving belieber who wants to own a Lamborghini and get one tattooed on me, whilst stroking kittens and reciting quotes.

I’m going wrong somewhere.